Friday, September 17, 2010

"Charm & Beauty"

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."- Proverbs 31:30

Like a rose- she was beautiful;
Every petal smooth and perfect;
Standing out among the rest-
She was obviously the best.

Like a diamond- she was full of charm;
Glistening everywhere like the sun,
Making mens' knees shake
And showing other ladies that they looked fake.

But as the rose withered,
So her beauty passed away.
And as the diamond glittered,
She lost her charm one day.

Another lady was found.
She prayed each day,
And in every way
She lived to please the Lord.
He was her rock on which she stood,
And she lived life as best as she could.

All men and women respected
And thought fondly of her,
For she would help the sick and poor
And greet weary visitors at her door.

Her beauty was on the inside;
Her charm was purity.
Her soft blue eyes and welcoming smile
Had made her life worthwhile.

And so it is a lesson in life
To those ladies who fear the Lord-
Their beauty will never pass away 
And their strength and charm will renew each day.

-By Elina V.

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